
Rebecca Warren, There Is Another Way, 2011 handbemalte Bronze, 299.7 × 71.1 × 68.6 cm.; 118 × 28 × 27 in.

Rebecca Warren, There Is Another Way, 2011 handbemalte Bronze, 299.7 × 71.1 × 68.6 cm.; 118 × 28 × 27 in.

Rebecca Warren

There Is Another Way

There is Another Way, 2011, is a large hand-painted bronze sculpture, one in a series of large human figures by Rebecca Warren, which in this instance stands directly on the ground. The painted surface is icing-like, alleviating the object’s bulk. Here and there the blush of warm flesh is picked out amongst the gingham and other patterns suggestive of clothing. There are recognisable elements: a foot, a big toe, as well as less definitive suggestions of a face, an ankle, a clothed torso. As with many of the sculptures in this family, where there would usually be two of something – legs and feet, in this case – there is only one, placed on a central vertical axis, as if the two outermost sections had merged to produce an uneasy new and compacted symmetry.

Rebecca Warren, There Is Another Way, 2011 hand-painted bronze 299.7 x 71.1 x 68.6 cm.; 118 x 28 x 27 in.

Rebecca Warren, There Is Another Way, 2011
hand-painted bronze
299.7 x 71.1 x 68.6 cm.; 118 x 28 x 27 in.